Welcome: Summer 2023

Let's really enjoy the beach and all that it offers this year!

The 4th of July weekend should be spectacular. The new Avenue A stairs and the Abington Ave. stairs are installed and operational. The events on our social calender continue to grow. We're happy to welcome back all long-time and new members. We hope to see you at the kick-off meeting!

Here are some dates to put on your calendars, with more details to follow:

Kick-off meeting, Saturday July 1st, 2023, 10 am at 9 Abington Ave.

Summer Book Swap, Saturday July 1st at top of Avenue A stairs

Beach Cleanup: July 4th; 8:00am **Wear Gloves**

WHBA Sunset Cruise aboard the Plymouth Belle, Friday July 7th, 7-9pm, $30 per person, complimentary appetizers and cash bar, RSVP to JD@DONOHUESBAR.COM

July 15th, St. Patrick's Day on the Beach, 3-6pm, Avenue A stairs, Danny Gill & The Old Brigade

July 29th, Family Fun Day

Sunday August 6th, WHBA Golf Tournament at Souther's Marsh, 8am shotgun
Golf, Dinner, & Awards

August 19th, Summer Sounds on the Beach, 3-6pm, Abington Ave stairs
Peter Joy performs

Monday, September 4th, 10am, End of Summer Meeting, 11 Avenue A

Continue to check our Facebook page and this website for additions of more social events.

The membership form is attached if you wish to send your dues in prior to the Kickoff meeting.

Please reach out with any questions!

See you all soon……

J.D., Paul, Phil & Linda


Download the Membership Form here.

Download WHBeachwear Order Form here.

To have your street graded: Edward Buckley, Highway Manager, or Carol Garuti (508) 830-4162 x101

Important Contact Information

Jonathan Beder, DPW Director, is the person to thank for the signs and painting of the crosswalks. JBeder@townhall.plymouth.ma.us

To have your street graded: Edward Buckley, Highway Manager, or Carol Garuti (508) 830-4162 x101

If you would like to assist with any of this summer's activities, please contact the activity leads:

Family Fun Day - Denise Smigliani, deesmig@verizon.net

Castle Building Contest - Holly Merritt, imhmerritt@aol.com

The Manomet Current

Board of Directors

President - JD Donohue

Vice President - Paul MacDonald

Treasurer - Phil Powell

Secretary - Linda Burgess

White Horse Beach Association Email Newsletter

Receive email updates about White Horse Beach Association news and events by clicking 'Sign Up'.

The following are the business owners who contributed to our raffle the past 2 years. We encourage our members to patronize their businesses.

Aroma Tavern & Grille, 42 Degrees North, Cappys Pizza, CVS, 99 Restaurant, Isaacs Restaurant, The Office Bistro, Tavern on the Wharf, Anna's Harborside Grille, East Bay Grille, 3 Daughters Jewelry, 1620 Wine Bar, Plymouth Bay Winery, The Waterfront Restaurant, The Cabby Shack, Sun Dynasty Restaurant, Mama Mia's Restaurant, Roo Bar, Tuscany Tavern, T-Bones Road House, Main Street Sports Bar, Percy's Place, The New World Tavern, Happy Nail Manomet,


Meeting Minutes

8-27-16 Download here.

Tide Charts

July Tide Chart
August Tide Chart


Your weather just got better.





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© White Horse Beach Association. Web Site by Tops Web Productions.